Jeffers wins League opener

It was the opening round of the Burrows Engineering Road Race League for East Tyrone, and this year, Sherrygroom circuit was to be first to test the racing men.

Forty-two riders turned up on what was a cold windy night, for four laps of the fast rolling course deemed to be one of the easier on the calendar..

The riders were let off in four groups with 7 minutes from the front to the scratch group. It was to be on the second lap that the third group had reeled in the other two groups in front of them, and on the next lap the scratch had caught, and the whole thing merged. Several attempts were made to split this but it was not to be and it came down to a bunch sprint where Gary Jeffers took it from team mates Jake Gray and Stephen Hutchinson.

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There was also a novice race on the night where eleven young people took to the roads to see who had been training hard over the winter months. James Glasgow took the honours from Peter Davidson, with Ellie Kelso in third place. Well Done to all the young racers. Keep up the good work.

Thanks to all marshalls, sign-on team and everyone who helped on the night.

This Thursday 25th April we head back to the Omagh Road for the 3rd Round of the Cooper Motorcycles TT League. Note the later start time of 7.30pm.In the interest of safety we would ask that all bikes be fitted with a front and rear light for all time trials.


1. James Glasgow: ETCC

2. Peter Davidson: Island Wheelers CC

3. Ellie Kelso: ETCC

4. Calon McCaughey: ETCC

5. Neill Kelso: ETCC