Bombardier says Church Road site is '˜not for sale'

Bombardier Aerospace Ltd's Church Road site. INNT-05-700-conBombardier Aerospace Ltd's Church Road site. INNT-05-700-con
Bombardier Aerospace Ltd's Church Road site. INNT-05-700-con
Bombardier Aerospace says its Church Road base is not for sale, despite lodging a planning application for a mixed-use development at the site.

The outline planning application, which was re-advertised last week, includes proposals for a food store, petrol filling station, business enterprise/incubator units, car parking and a pedestrian link to Valley Park.

According to a Bombardier spokesperson, the area concerned focuses on the buildings previously occupied by FG Wilson and Lear Fan.

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The spokesperson stated: “At this stage it’s part of our ongoing business strategy.

“We regularly review how to make our building assets work best for us and as a result explore our business opportunities.

“This is only in an exploration stage.”

Bombardier Aerospace Ltd currently employs more than 1,000 workers in the Newtownabbey area, most of whom work at its Doagh Road site (the former Nortel plant).

Asked if there were plans to close the Church Road facility and transfer the jobs to the Doagh Road site, the Bombardier spokesperson commented: “The Church Road site is not under threat of closure, we are exploring our options.