Clamp down on dog owners

Coleraine Borough Council’s new Dog Control Orders came into affect last week.

The new orders, under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (NI) 2011, aim to ideal more effectively with irresponsible dog ownership. The Orders will provide Council’s Dog Wardens with additional controls to support them in dealing more effectively with a number of issues. These include dog fouling, nuisance dogs and the protection of children and individuals using public facilities and spaces throughout the Borough.

Catherine McNally, Senior Environmental Health Officer at Coleraine Borough Council commented, “Following increasing reports of problems caused by dogs and those in charge of them, including dog fouling incidents in a number of public areas throughout the Borough, Council has introduced these new dog orders with an aim to combat irresponsible dog ownership.”

““Residents should be aware of the penalty for committing an offence contained in a dog control order. This is a maximum fine of level 3 on the standard scale, which is currently £1,000.”