Four are arrested following burglary incident at bar in Portadown

Police have arrested four people following an attempted burglary at JD Tipplers in Portadown.

Members of the PSNI Road Policing (formerly known as Traffic Branch) discovered the burglary in progress in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

A police spokesman said: “The suspects made off in a car which, not surprisingly, our traffic guys kept up with!

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“Some males bailed and after a short hunt involving roads policing, local response teams and a dog callsign, two were located. Along with a female who stayed with the car, the two were arrested for burglary. There was one who managed to slip away.”

He was arrested following searches in Lurgan and Craigavon on Tuesday.

Posting on the PSNI Facebook page the spokesman added: “Whilst this may be a great catch and some good news, it’s by no means over.

“If you saw anyone hanging around the area of Tipplers in Portadown in the run up to 1:15am on Monday night/Tuesday morning, or a yellow Vauxhall Adam in the area at any stage over the last few days, please get in touch with our detectives in Lurgan.

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