East Coast Sketchers: artist Jennifer Cooke tells of how local flora and fauna inspire her work

Local artist Jennifer Cooke.  Photo: Jennifer CookeLocal artist Jennifer Cooke.  Photo: Jennifer Cooke
Local artist Jennifer Cooke. Photo: Jennifer Cooke
A Larne artist has told of how a rare condition that limited the time she could spend outdoors led to a love of exploring the world through drawing and reading.

Jennifer Cooke graduated from Ulster University in 2021 with a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration, and has just finished her Master's in illustration with Falmouth University online.

The 24-year-old said: “I have had an interest in drawing and painting from a young age, but it became particularly important to me when, as a young child, I was diagnosed with cold induced urticaria - a rare condition, which causes me to become unwell and develop hives whenever I become too cold. This limited my time spent outdoors so I spent a lot of time exploring the world through reading and drawing - and haven't stopped since, really.

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“This past year was spent finishing my Master's where I focused on researching a 'Sense of Wonder', provoked by wanting to find ways to engage with the natural world for myself, without the fear of becoming ill. I looked into how the natural world engages our imagination and gives us a sense of place, through observational drawing, sound recordings, foraging and ink making. I also began volunteering at Jubilee Farm to engage with the community and nature locally.”

Jennifer's artworks on the 'Loop of Larne' map.  Photo: Jennifer CookeJennifer's artworks on the 'Loop of Larne' map.  Photo: Jennifer Cooke
Jennifer's artworks on the 'Loop of Larne' map. Photo: Jennifer Cooke

A mixed media artist, Jennifer uses anything from ink and watercolour to pastels, pencils and acrylic paint in her work. “Changing materials keeps things fresh and engaging for me,” she said. “I have recently been exploring animating my illustrations and creating soundscapes that go with them, for a more immersive experience.”

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Local flora and fauna, meanwhile, are a constant source of inspiration. “I particularly love visiting Glenarm forest and looking out for the red squirrels,” Jennifer added. “I have a few projects I'm working on currently and would love to chat with anyone who would like to commission me, whether for a drawing or painting for their house, or a commercial project that needs some illustrations.”

In recent years, Jennifer’s work featured in the ‘Loop of Larne’ maps, which aim to highlight points of interest in the area. Commissioned by Larne Renovation Generation, the maps were sponsored by Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.

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Left: Jennifer's drawing 'Embrace' features a little girl and an Irish hare, symbolic of our landscape, which she says "describes the love I feel for my local area and the natural beauty here".  Right: An observational drawing of Larne's Chaine Tower.  Images: Jennifer CookeLeft: Jennifer's drawing 'Embrace' features a little girl and an Irish hare, symbolic of our landscape, which she says "describes the love I feel for my local area and the natural beauty here".  Right: An observational drawing of Larne's Chaine Tower.  Images: Jennifer Cooke
Left: Jennifer's drawing 'Embrace' features a little girl and an Irish hare, symbolic of our landscape, which she says "describes the love I feel for my local area and the natural beauty here". Right: An observational drawing of Larne's Chaine Tower. Images: Jennifer Cooke

She is also a member of artists’ group East Coast Sketchers, formed in June 2023 by local woman, Linzi Conway.

The group has since grown to 70 members, who meet on a regular basis to sketch the locality.

“I first heard about ECS from Linzi Conway's art Facebook page and knew straight away I wanted to get involved,” Jennifer said. “The group was a great encouragement during the last few months of studying, as getting out and about sketching with the company of others spurred on my love of drawing with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

"It has a lovely community feeling and it's been great to meet other local sketchers. I particularly enjoyed drawing at Hillmount House and Drumalis as they have lovely gardens - I'm looking forward to the better weather to get outside again!”

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