Police seeking information on burglaries

Detectives in Larne are appealing for information after a burglary at house in the Albert Street area of the town.

A number of items were stolen from the premises sometime between 9.30am on Tuesday, July 3 and 4.30pm on Friday, July 6.

These included two flat screen TVs, a Technic surround sound system, a Kenwood blender, two Sky television boxes, a Dell PC, cutlery and a number of other household appliances.

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Meanwhile, police are also investigating another burglary that took place at a house on the Old Glenarm Road.

Sometime on the evening of Tuesday, July 3 and shortly before 7pm on Saturday, July 7, a number of items were stolen from a house in the area, including included a quantity of silverware and televisions.

A PSNI spokesman said homes and businesses can be more vulnerable to burglars in the summer months, with many people going away on holidays.

He added: “Burglary involves the breaking and entering into a business or house with the intent of stealing items. It often involves costly damage to the building and the loss of personal items or stock.

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“Retail burglaries usually occur at night or after regular business hours. In most cases, burglars enter through doors or windows and leave before police or security are able to respond. Domestic burglaries can happen at any time of the day or night if a house is empty.

“In general, burglars are moved by financial gain. Regardless of whether they are professional or opportunists, most burglars select homes or stores located in isolated areas or those known to have poor security features, such as low lighting, insufficient locks, no window bars, or lack of formal security systems.