£10k planting project boost for Castlemara

Admiring the flower beds are June McRoberts and Lyndsay Graham, of Castlemara Community Association, with Colin Baker and Ronnie 
McCreanor, of the Housing Executive grounds team, and Barry Craig, landscape architect with the Landscape Centre. INCT 30-752-CONAdmiring the flower beds are June McRoberts and Lyndsay Graham, of Castlemara Community Association, with Colin Baker and Ronnie 
McCreanor, of the Housing Executive grounds team, and Barry Craig, landscape architect with the Landscape Centre. INCT 30-752-CON
Admiring the flower beds are June McRoberts and Lyndsay Graham, of Castlemara Community Association, with Colin Baker and Ronnie McCreanor, of the Housing Executive grounds team, and Barry Craig, landscape architect with the Landscape Centre. INCT 30-752-CON
Carrickfergus Borough’s Castlemara estate is looking ‘blooming marvellous’ following a £10,000 environmental project.

That’s the verdict of residents after weeks of planting across the area by the Housing Executive’s grounds team.

Residents are now enjoying splashes of colour where the Housing Executive staff created new flower beds. The visual appearance has been enhanced with a variety of plants including roses, phormium and choisya.

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Susanne Campbell, chair of Castlemara Community Association, said: “The estate had previously been green area only but the Housing Executive has come in and planted some beautiful flower beds around the estate.

“The garden at the front of the estate has been transformed. The Housing Executive has planted that area as well and it has certainly brightened up the estate.

“Everyone has been commenting on how well the estate is looking and the work carried out by the Housing Executive has made such a difference. It looks great.”

There are also plans to carry out further planting and explore the possibility of establishing a growing spaces project within Castlemara.

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