‘Purrfect’ home for kitten thrown out of moving car

The kitten has found a new home with a PSNI officerThe kitten has found a new home with a PSNI officer
The kitten has found a new home with a PSNI officer
A three-week-old kitten thrown from a moving car has escaped injury and landed a ‘purrfect’ home, thanks to the kindness of a PSNI officer.

The PSNI North Coast Facebook page reveals details of how on Friday the little kitten was hurled from a “moving vehicle” – but was saved when the car behind stopped and the driver brought the kitten to Ballycastle police station.

The Community page adds: “Fear not as this is a good news story. The kitten was taken in and found to be unharmed by its traumatic day, and one of our team has now adopted the kitten and given it a forever home.”

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Subsequent posts on the PSNI Facebook page reveal that the driver who rescued the kitten was unable to retrieve details about the car from which the animal was thrown as they were “more concerned with rescuing the kitten”.

However, officers are now keen for information.

“Anyone who saw this and can help us identify the culprit should ring 101.”

A later update from PSNI North Coast revealed the kitten had been checked out with the vet and had been given the all clear.

“She is only three weeks old so far too young to be separated from her mother, but we will ensure she gets everything she needs,” added the post.

“Still no name, so all suggestions are welcome.”

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The Facebook post attracted much online attention and comments from people empathising with the heartbreaking story.