Town traffic wardens kept busy

TRAFFIC wardens in the town were being kept busier than ever in 1978.

About 60 parking tickets were being handed out each month and, with the town centre having recently been opened to through traffic, that figure was expected to rise in the following months.

Constable Raymond Hughes, who led the small team of wardens in the town, said: “We are busier now than ever we were,”

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“At the moment we have only four on the streets, but with the increased workload it is hoped to build up the team in the near future.”

He said that wardens were finding it necessary to re-educate both motorists and pedestrians on the rules of the road and that there would be an accident soon if more care was not taken in the main shopping area.

“Generally speaking though, motorists in Lurgan are not a bad lot. We do have the occasional one that gets out of hand, but we have ways of dealing with them.”

One of those ‘ways’ was the 2 parking ticket, of which hundreds had been handed out since the introduction of the wardens to Lurgan.

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